Barolo Boy. Storia di una rivoluzione

The short-lived yet extremely intense tale of a group of winemakers who, starting out from the Langhe district, were to change the world of wine for good. A story of courage and determination, but also a controversial and difficult one: for years, a fierce ideological war raged between the so-called ‘Barolo Boys’ and the generation of the patriarchs, the ‘Traditionalists’. After almost 30 years, what is left of that experience? And more in general, what revolution is ever really successful? With the participation of Carlo Petrini, Oscar Farinetti and Joe Bastianich as the narrative voice.
Barolo Boy. Storia di una rivoluzione
by Paolo Casalis e Tiziano Gaia
Italy, 2014
Paolo Casalis was born in Bra in 1976. Author and director, he works with the production and distribution house Stuffilm Creativeye in Cuneo, of which he is a co-founder. In 2011 he produced the documentary film ‘Langhe Doc. Storie di eretici nell’Italia dei capannoni’, which competed at Corto e Fieno. He is also the author and director of the documentary film ‘L’Ultimo Chilometro’ (2013) and well as the feature-length ‘Il Corridore’ (2009).
Tiziano Gaia was born in Turin. From 2000 to 2008 he dealt with the publication and events of the international Slow Food movement. He was vice-editor of the ‘Guida Vini d’Italia’ and editor of the ‘Guida agli Extravergini’. After having followed the start up of Eataly in New York – where he managed the Italian wine bar for almost a year – in 2012 he came back to Italy.