
“Katie” is a stop motion animation illustrating the magical that exists within the mundane. Katie is a genie who waitresses at a diner and grants every customer their wish, fries and a soda, or more for those who are willing to see beyond. The wonderful reaches out to us tirelessly and when we realize this, we can cross the threshold and live exactly as we wish. Originally based off a poem by the artist, the stanzas have been composed and translated exactly into an original song performed by Zeraphina Quenby.

di Nikki Ochoa
USA, 2017


Nikki Ochoa is a Los Angeles based artist and ancient baby. She was raised in Marietta, Georgia amongst red clay creeks and kudzu forests. She sleeps soundest on a carousel and drinks tea with round men in white robes who play golden trumpets. She sees sound as shapes and color and graduated from UCLA with a degree in English and Creative Writing.

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