La strada vecchia

As his father and his grandfather before him, Nicola sells potatoes on a little country road, while just above his head a brand new highway is about to be completed. His life will be shaken up by an unexpected encounter, who is gonna make him find the courage to take some risks, like… speeding up and changing.
*Piedmontese premiere
**This film is not suitable for children
After a training related to multimedia communication and writing for cinema, Damiano Giacomelli has been investigating since 2010 the communities of the Apennine hinterlandù through film projects, film training activities with Officine Mattòli and the artistic direction of the Borgofuturo festival. In recent years, he has worked as a screenwriter for TV series, films and directed various audiovisual products, including documentaries for TV and short movies to promote companies and festivals. After “Un rovescio” /Weather Vain (2014), “La strada vecchia”/The old road is his second short film. Noci sonanti, his first documentary, wins the award Hera – Nuovi talenti at the Biografilm festival 2019.