Mehiläiskesä (Summer of Bees)

On a particularly hot summer, Eedi, suffering from eco-anxiety, decides to quit their studies and start beekeeping. Eedi gets reluctant help from their mother Anne who, rather than fearing for the future, is scared of every single little bee. Soon enough they notice that saving the bees is not an easy job.
*Italian premiere
Mehiläiskesä (Summer of Bees),
by Ida-Maria Olva,
Finland 2021,
Ida-Maria Olva is a director, scriptwriter, musician and a beekeeper based in Tampere, Finland. Olva has majored in screenwriting at Tampere University of Applied sciences and in film directing at Aalto-university, Summer of Bees being their graduating film. Right now Olva is interested in auto- and docufiction, minimalistic films and comedy.