Salt, Olive, Stone

Croazia, estate. Le spiagge sono invase dai turisti. In città il traffico è impazzito e il caldo è torrido. A pochi chilometri di distanza c’è un luogo dove la tranquillità regna sovrana: si produce il sale, si raccolgono le olive e si costruiscono muretti a secco. Un’ode al lavoro, alla natura e al silenzio.

Sol, Maslina, Kamen
by Branko Vilus
Croatia, 2013


Branko Vilus was born in Zagreb in 1973. Since 1990 he has been an active member of Zelena Akcija (Green Action), a voluntary association for environmental protection. He has made various videos as an activist. He has worked as a cameramen and director for various Croatian organisations and television channels. ‘Sol, Maslina, Kamen’ is his second documentary.

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