There is a place among Honduras’s mountains where the customs and prayers articulate the passage of time.
An old woman walking barefoot on the mountain. A man dies, accompanied by an angel.
Spirits are the voices of our ancestors and the courage of a small indigenous community that has chosen to continue to care for the land rather than sell it.
by Yukai Ebisuno e Raffaella Mantegazza
Italy, Honduras, 2012
Yukai Ebisuno (1982) is the son of an Italian mother and a Japanese father. After graduating in Cinema at the Turin DAMS (Art, Music, and Theatre program), he completed his Masters in Documentary Direction at IED Milano.
Raffaella Mantegazza (1982), after studying photography and visual art at the Accademia di Belle Arti, she graduated in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnography at the Università degli Studi in Turin.