At night in a fishmonger, two soloists sing with great emotion “La Traviata” by Verdi, offering us one of the fanciest choreographies ever.
*Italian premiere
by Fabien Meyran, Benoît de Geyer d’Orth, Antoine Marchand, Paul- Eugène Dannaud
France, 2018
Fabien Meyran was born in the Hauts-de-Seine, to end up in the South of France before moving back to the North, He studied at Supinfocom Valenciennes and participated in the creation of the Turbopascal collective.
Antoine Marchand studied animation and is the founder of the Turbopascal collective. He directs funny films with his friends and loves giving life to his characters.
Paul-Eugène Dannaud studied at Supinfocom. He is an active member of the Turbopascal collective and co-director of “Turbopéra”. He likes films and comics such as “Panama”, “Al Brown” and “Akira”. He is currently directing his graduation film.
Benoît De Geyer D’Orth studied at Supinfocom Rubika and is an active member of the Turbopascal collective. He left his emu breeding behind to devote himself to animation and tell stories for young and old.