Eco de Femmes

Six women, their dreams and a battle for emancipation through work. Zina, Cherifa, Halima, Fatima, Mina and Jamila live in the rural areas of Morocco and Tunisia, and are brought together by a common objective: to create farming cooperatives through which to couple their ancient knowledge with the development of new products for the market and recognition of their professional and gender identity. More than 35% of the female population lives in the rural areas of the Maghreb. Between 70 and 90% of agricultural labour is carried out by women.
Eco de Femmes
by Carlotta Piccinini
Marocco – Tunisia, 2014
Carlotta Piccinini was born in Bologna in 1979. She is a director, video artist and author. Since 2010 she has dedicated her time transversally to video art and social and creative documentary making. She also works as a live audio/video performer, thus bringing together her passion for aesthetics and digital technologies with her social commitment in terms of human rights on film. Since 2011 she has served as vice president of the association EleNfant.